Global Bonus

The Global Bonus is a reward system for users who achieve outstanding accomplishments by helping other users reach the maximum volume in a month.

Users will be categorized into different ranks with corresponding coefficients to receive rewards:

  • Sponsoring 1 network that achieves max sale volume: Platinum rank (point calculation coefficient = 1)

  • Sponsoring 2 networks that achieve max sale volume: Emerald rank (point calculation coefficient = 2)

  • Sponsoring 3 or more networks that achieve sale volume: Diamond rank (point calculation coefficient = 3)

Back to the previous walkthrough example, the Global Bonus reward is derived from 2% of the initial commission offered by the partner, as stated in the Commission Policy.

In Scenario 2, even though you did not receive a Network Bonus from User C, they are still the direct downline that you helped achieve this result. Therefore, you will be marked as Platinum and receive a share of the Global Bonus for that month.

πŸ’‘To make it clear, let’s take a look at the previous NFT collection example:

The entire MMLM network sells the NFT collection. In one month, the total sales volume of the collection is $5,000,000.

β†’ Global Bonus is: $5,000,000 * 2% = $100,000.

In that month, there are 5 Platinum, 3 Emerald, and 2 Diamond ranks. Therefore, the total number of points is: 1*5 + 2*3 + 3*2 = 17.

The additional Global Bonus for each rank is as follows:

Platinum: ($100,000 / 17) * 1 = $5,882

Emerald: ($100,000 / 17) * 2 = $11,764

Diamond: ($100,000 / 17) * 3 = $17,646

​→ In conclusion, the total bonus you will receive for that month will be:

Total Monthly Bonus = Network Bonus + Global Bonus (Platinum)

= $6,340 + $5,882 = $12,222.

Last updated